Media Complete
Play music and restore your missing metadata
Release 0.1.2
- Bug fix: We added some handling for many of the errors that were causing app crashes
- Increased load-time performance
- Bug fix: Fixed an issue where a first-time install would not allow the user to use the application
- Bug fix: Double clicking on a folder in the library will now play the music within that folder
Release 0.1.1
- Bug fix: Application should no longer crash when files or folders are modified from outside of the application, while the application is running
- Bug fix: Fixed a graphical bug when double clicking the currently playing song in the now playing list
- Bug fix: Changing directories now updates the UI with the new library's songs
- Bug fix: Pressing play with no song selected now plays the first song in the song list, and adds all visible songs to the now playing list
- Improvements were made to the code base to hopefully allow for easier accessibility
Release 0.1.0
We are aware of some major issues with the sort algorithm, as well as crashes as a result of users modifying files from outside of the application while the application is running.
- Songs can be played
- Library sort is mostly functional, but there are some issues cleaning up directories and non-music files
- Playlists can be created, and songs can be added to them
- Mystery songs can be identified and the metadata can be populated
- Files' metadata can be manually edited and stored